Tuesday, June 21, 2011

3 Months

Our little lady has been with us for three months, and what a blessing it has been!

Addy Girl is such a sweetheart, a bit of a mama's girl (which anyone who knows Davis knows he's a Daddy's boy.  So I have to admit, it's kind of nice :) ), and already showing signs of her feminine nature.  She has such a girly whimper when something scares her and can be a tad dramatic if her brother loves her just a little too hard.  It has been so fun noticing the differences in boys versus girls, even in these early, early stages.

Some tid bits on our little bit:
- Rolling from her tummy to her back more often, but hasn't accomplished the opposite direction quite yet. 
- Totally a hand/finger sucker
- Smiles more and more each day and beginning to laugh.  Priceless, love when they start to show signs of a little person!
- Loves a good gab session of "cooing"
- PRAISE THE LORD!  Giving all the glory to God on this one - she's on a dependable schedule!  For those that know me well, know that the planner in me is just thrilled!
- Eats 4.5-6 oz every 3 hours during the day.  Made the switch to formula at 8 weeks and she has been a happy camper!
- Another big hallelujuah to God - She's slept through the night 7 straight nights!  Leary about saying we're there for good in fear of jinxing it.  But she goes to bed for the night at 8 and up for the day at 7/7:30 (with the last week's worth of nights without interruption, again fingers crossed and prayers a'prayin' that it continues).  She takes two short naps in the morning and a long nap in the afternoon. 
- Growing out of her clothes!  She's now in 3-6 months clothes.  Which means it's shopping time for Mommy! 
- Gotten pretty good about sitting in the Bumbo.  Loves her swing, mobile and playmat
- Losing her hair, but looks like she's keeping those blue eyes.  They keep getting lighter and brighter.
- Is told that she looks like the Green side of the family, and I totally agree

Adelyn is such a blessing and we are so thankful for this little lady!

Friday, June 10, 2011
