Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Best View

A view, albeit not a very clear one,
of Davis on the video monitor, sleeping away

I resisted the video monitor at first, thinking that I did not need such a high tech gadget and a sound-only monitor would be just fine. But when we moved to Tyler and a two story house, we decided to exchange our sound-only monitor (we never even put it up in our old could hear everything in that house without any special aids :) ) and upgrade to the video version.

Is it "Big Brother-ish"? Kind of, but I LOVE seeing what the little guy is up to. Otherwise, how we would have known that Davis pulls himself up to the side of the crib and literally does a free fall bounce down to the mattress, only to laugh and do it all over again? Or, how else could we see that inquisitive little face reaching so hard to grab the monitor off the wall, and often time succeed? I have seen him fall asleep sitting up, wrestle his bumper pads, and watch him peacefully put himself to sleep by rubbing his blanket on his face. But the sweetest moments are those rare times that he is actually sleep on his back and you can see his sweet little face as he dreams.

Last night, my "invisible" bird's eye view of my little man made me think about how it must be for the Lord to be watching over all of us. I can just envision God with billions of little monitors. Of course, He has the sound turned up as He listens to all of our thoughts and prayers. He sees us when we are up to our antics and thinks to Himself, "What has gotten into this child?" and debates whether He will intercede on our behalf or let us work it out ourselves.

But, I can also picture Him clicking that little button to get a glimpse of how we are when we are quiet and not calling out to Him. I can picture Him looking down on us as we sleep, and saying that famous parental phrase, "Isn't he just so sweet?" And in that moment, that us as humans think to ourselves that we would do anything for our children, He smiles and knows that He has.

I am so thankful the Lord is who He says He is and loves us so dearly. And I am so thankful for moments, like a view on a monitor, that reminds me of such.

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