Jared and I left for Dallas on Sunday after we got in one more Sunday school lesson with the amazing Skaggs class and made the Davis pass off to my parents. I was super proud of myself for not bursting out into tears when Davis drove off waving at us. Jared was pretty impressed with me too.
We were able to spend a couple of hours with our favorite Dallas family of four, the Gurgs. I was able to hold sweet little Will (born just a couple of weeks before on March 7) and Jared got in some quality Anna time. We love this sweet family!
My sister flew in from a long weekend trip to Arizona and we met up with her for an incredible dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in Dallas, Kenny's. Can we say YUMMY? Brittany is hilarious and when you pair her with Jared, it's always a fun time! We laughed and laughed and headed back to the hotel where my sister treated me to her blow drying my hair (one of my favorite things EVER).
After a somewhat sleepless night for me (just could not get comfortable and probably a little bit preoccupied), we got up and headed to the hotel. Again, my sister is hilarious and kept us laughing the whole time. I told her she should rent herself out for situations like this. Seriously.
One last picture before it's off to the operating room
Love, love, love my sister. BEST. SISTER. EVER.
Who can't have fun with this crazy family???
Shortly after this, Jared and I got a few minutes of alone time and prayer time. Then, I was off to the operating room with Jared left behind for about 20 minutes while I got prepped and the all important numbed. My fellow "sweaters" (aka hot natured ladies) of the world can sympathize... I was burning up in the OR. They had brought in warmed blankets as most patients get the shakes. Not this lady! The spinal tap this time was much more intense than with Davis (not with pain but as in the rush as it affected my body) and I literally began sweating profusely! My request of turning down the temperature was answered with, "Well Courtney, it's 66 degrees in here." It was rather comical. By the time Jared got in there, I had cold wash cloths all over my face and gloves filled with ice on my neck.
Pretty attractive, huh?
And just 21 minutes from the time they wheeled me into the OR...
And weighing in at...
We got to meet our sweet little girl! Praise the Lord! Adelyn's lungs were so much stronger than her brother's. She passed all of her initial tests in the OR (although she would end up going to the nursery for 5 hours to monitor her as her breathing was just a bit fast) and Jared and I were so thankful for a healthy baby girl.
Jared, Adelyn and I with the BEST. DOCTOR. EVER. Dr. Weprin is worth every hour of a car ride.
Daddy and his little girl
It was such an answered prayer to me that I got to hold Adelyn right after. I had not been able to do this with Davis and since Adelyn is our last little one, I really wanted to experience this. While I only got to hold her for about 5 minutes, it was precious and I'll always remember it.
While we waited for Miss Adelyn to join us, my profuse sweating continued. Jared and Camille tried to survive with warm blankets that my sweet nurse brought them.
And at 4:30, Miss Adelyn Camille was back in our arms and had stolen our hearts.